Monday, July 27, 2009

Fairy Tale

I was walking by a shop window the other day when my eyes caught a glimpse of a sign in the window with these words...

"Once in a while, right in the middle of ordinary life, love gives you a fairy tale."

I was drawn to the sign, and just stood and read it again and again. Then, I reached into my purse, pulled out pen and paper and copied it down. Why?

I decided to look up the definition of fairy tale. ...being magical, idealized, or extremely happy. I suppose we all long for the bliss filled life, where dreams do come true and we live happily ever after.

I want to look for the fairy tales in my life, people or places that make me smile. A song, a verse of scripture, a moment in time that I soak in and wish would go on forever. That's part of why we're here, to live life to the fullest and help others do the same.


  1. That was a beautiful thought! Thanks for sharing it.

  2. Yes, it is a lovely thought, Princess Christine.

  3. Princess Christine has such a nice ring to it. :)
